Are you longing for those 100 Days of Summer? Waiting for the heat of the sun on your face, a warm summer breeze or an afternoon barbeque? We think we have the perfect collection for capturing your favorite summer moments, but we want you to be the judge...
We don't think we could have come up with a better palette of red, white and blue that is great for celebrating summer and the many occasions that come up. Greta's design captures her family moment, while adding some of the softer papers from the collection.
We had to include our signature 5 Things Pocket all decked out in red, white and blue, but check out the gorgeous pattern on the pocket.
You didn't think for a moment that we would not celebrate our nation's birthday. Vintage Summer can be used for everyday moments and fun 4th of July photos like the ones in Greta's layout.
Check this out - Remember to leave a comment on the blog about your favorite summer activities and we might just send you a CHA goodie bag!
Now that you have a taste of all of our AMAZING spring and summer collections, we are going to need a few cycling team members to showcase our products. We took the liberty of inviting back a few of our favorite Cycling Team Members from 2012 to get us started with our Just Because collection (shipping soon). So please welcome back these tremendously talented designers.
But WAIT.. we need Cycling Team Members for our super cute Fern and Forest Girl and Boy collections, So starting now, we will be accepting applications for those two teams...
With each new collection we like to invite a few new designers (about 3-5 per collection) to come design for us. We ask Cycling Team members to commit to a month of designing after the collection is released. In return, we'll send you some free product and shamelessly promote you along with ourselves on our blog and facebook page. Read the details below:
1) Make at least one project with what we send you - a layout, some cards, a mini album, an altered item...whatever makes you happy!
2) Send us some pictures of it, and a little write-up or how-to of how you created it.
3) Post it on your blog, facebook page and any online galleries you belong to. We'll put it here on our blog too, of course!
That's it!
If you are interested, please send us three (3) samples of your best work (preferably with LYB products because that is what we like to look at most, however it's not a deal breaker if you send something else) to [email protected]. Also, if you have previously designed for a Cycling Team, please feel free to apply again! Please send us your application by Wednesday, January 23rd and we'll announce the NEW Fern and Forest Cycling Teams on Monday, January 28th. Please also include your contact information (address, phone and blog) in your email.
And then we'll ask you to hop on that Little Yellow Bicycle and pedal your heart out!
Have a wonderful weekend and if you are at CHA, please stop by our booth #2609.
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